Daring Bakers turn Architects
The December 2009 Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to you by Anna of Very Small Anna and Y of Lemonpi. They chose to challenge Daring Bakers’ everywhere to bake and assemble a gingerbread house from scratch. They chose recipes from Good Housekeeping and from The Great Scandinavian Baking Book as the challenge recipes.
Yay! Gingerbread houses! I feel like I've done my dash waxing lyrical about gingerbread in my recent Gingerbread Christmas Biscuits post, and I'm a little weary after the last day spent completely gorging on food and opening exciting presents, so I might let the pictures speak for themselves.
We were given a choice of two different gingerbread recipes, but for the purposes of this post I'm going to give you a different one that I can recommend if you are going to get architectural yourself. If you are just going to make gingerbread biscuits though, I'd recommend my usual gingerbread recipe instead.
Gingerbread House
Gingerbread and icing recipes from taste.com.au
3 1/2 cups self-raising flour
1 cup plain flour
1 tablespoon ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
185g butter, chopped
1/2 cup golden syrup
2 eggs, lightly beaten
Royal Icing
2 eggwhites, lightly beaten
3 cups pure icing sugar
Red licorice
Mint leaves
Tiny teddies
Teddy bear biscuits
Tina wafer biscuits
Barley sugar (or similar) lollies
Dairy Milk rounds
Desiccated coconut
1. Design or download a house template and cut out of card. I used Martha Stewart's Snow-Swept Gingerbread Cottage template, but after printing and cutting it out I found it was too small for my liking. I then spent quite a while scaling it up by hand so it was a better size, and just ended up using paper cut outs as I didn't have any card handy. I also added some extra cut-outs for window sills.
2. Combine flours, ginger, cinnamon, sugar and butter in a food processor. Process until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Whisk golden syrup and eggs together in a jug. With the motor running, add egg mixture and process until dough just comes together. Turn onto a lightly floured surface. Knead gently until smooth. Cut dough in half and wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or until well chilled.
3. Roll dough, 1 portion at a time, between 2 sheets baking paper until 5mm thick. Remove top layer baking paper. Using cut-outs as a guide, cut shapes from dough. Place gingerbread in a single layer on trays. Refrigerate for 15 minutes or until firm. Crush some barley sugar lollies to fill the window holes to create "glass". My parents don't have a mortar & pestle, so I did this by wrapping up the lollies in baking paper and bashing the crap out of them with the top of a meat tenderiser. This successfully drew my Dad out of the lounge room to investigate what the hell was going on in the kitchen. A useful tip to remember.
4. Preheat oven to 180°C. Line 4 baking trays with baking paper. Place gingerbread on trays. Bake, 2 trays at a time, for 15 minutes or until firm (keep an eye on the smaller pieces as you may need to remove them earlier). Cool on trays.
5. Make royal icing: Using an electric mixer, beat eggwhites until soft peaks form. Gradually add icing sugar, beating constantly until thick.
6. Put the royal icing in a piping bag with a round tip, or in a ziplock bag with a corner snipped off. Use it to get decorating...

8. Add more decorating touches...

Yay! Gorgeous Gingerbread house. Love the icicles hanging from the roof.
Great job Conor! Your gingerbread house looks adorable. Did you manage to make this house in between eating loads of Christmas food? If you did, I am suitably impressed!
Once again, awesome work! Very intricate and lovely to look at.
H :)
Wow, the gingerbread family should be very happy with this house! Don't think I've seen anyone who has decorated it before assembling the house and LOL at the hidden can of food inside =p
Awesome house, so festive and snowy! Very creative decoration too. I like the wafer shutters.
Merry Chirtmas to you too (And I will a trip to Aussi land too)
Woohoo! Great job Conor! LOL I'm afraid I would consider myself a total failure as an architect but yours looks great! :D
Hello Conor
I am always amazed how anglo saxons love to do such things and this is really a beauty : congratulations !! have a good one in Perth ; here in Paris it si cold but sunny and the city is gorgeous
Oh Conor!! It's gorgeous!!
I LOVE the footpath! =)
I'm currently eating mine... so good!
Conor, this is so cute! It's interesting to see all the steps and behind the scene shots. I can't believe you really ate this lovely house. Funny you left a can in there. haha.
Beautifully done! I'm in awe as I've decided that there are two things I will probably never make from scratch, puff pastry and gingerbread houses. I hope you had a happy Christmas.
I love your gingerbread house. Particularly the wafer shutters! :)
Conor that is incredible. I love the freckle roof. Its just so whimsical. Is that how you spell that word? The rolo brick road is cool too. Great job.
awesome... i am so glad you put up step-by-step photos of the gingerbread house-making. i guess if i ever attempt to make one, i would sorta feel like a general contractor, hehe.
Hehe, you should become a real architect (and principal builder) of houses. Oh, wait, that's a *gingerbread* house? It's so real! Love the freckle roof and Smartie decor.
Rubber Ninja - thanks! All icicles should be made from sugar, I think.
Trissa - thank you! I set aside Xmas eve to make it, and managed to squeeze in going out for lunch and then having a big dinner amongst the construction :) there's always time for eating!
Hannah - thanks very much :)
mademoiselle délicieuse - thanks, the little teddies certainly looked quite happy. Happy to be eaten, muhahahahaha.
Evelyne@CheapEthnicEatz - cheers! Yes, let's win the lottery and spend 2010 travelling.
Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella - thanks Lorraine! Nooooo yours was great, especially those little flower planters. Too cute :)
Pierre - haha, thanks Pierre. Yes it was certainly very hot here over Christmas, but sadly the temperature has dropped for this new years eve! I might even have to consider taking a jacket out with me tonight! (shock horror)
Iron Chef Shellie - thank you!! I'm still making my way through mine. Cracked it up into chunks and made little 'meals' in chinese takeaway containers. The meals are slowly disappearing..... :D
CheapAppetite - thanks :) eating it was the best part, in fact I think it is time for morning tea right now, yes yes :D
Karen Harris - thanks Karen, I hope yours was good too. I'm sure you can survive without having ever built a gingerbread house, but I have to insist that you try making your own puff pastry. It is TOTALLY worth it for a special treat!
Julia @Mélanger - thanks Julia :) I have to admit that I needed to restick those shutters a couple of times, but luckily this happened before the grand unveiling!
A cupcake or two - thank you! Yes I am pretty sure whimsical is correct, although at this time of year I think you're allowed to spell things however you want, and also lose the ability to do mental maths.
Krissy @ The Food Addicts - hehe, too true! Just hope you don't injure yourself and have to make a workers comp claim (paper cuts from the templates are a real threat ;) )
Belle@OohLook - aw thanks, I'll add it to my list of professions I should be in instead of what I'm doing ;) I love the term 'Smartie decor'... Freedom should bring out a Smartie decor range!
That is a gorgeous gingerbread house!!! I've never braved making one, but it's definitely going to be one of those things you do w/ the kids (when I have them!)
Absolutely gorgeous gingerbread house. I am in awe with so much details and the efforts you have put in :) Wishing you a very happy new year!
Gorgeous gingerbread house! I love that your dad became a prop holder too!
Omg I'm so late catching up on blog reading! But anyway, your gingerbread house is amazing - I love how you used all my fave candy hehe - freckles, smarties and omg Rolos!
*wipes drool* Beautiful work!
Oh my word!! That is AMAZING!! You are so unbelievably clever!!!
Conor - I guess I missed this post when I was away and am just now working my way through Google Reader... I am BLOWN AWAY at how talented you are. Everything you touch turns out so well. That is all.
NikiTheo - thanks :) I guess if I have kids I've got a head start here.
Ellie - thank you! A very happy new year to you too!
Forager - thanks! Yes he's a talented man. A very tall talented man.
Karen @ Citrus and Candy - thanks very much! Eating the roof was the best part. I just wish I had more leftover Freckles. Happily I had lots of non-brown leftover Smarties :D
Nicole - thank you!! :)
Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite - aw you! Shucks :D
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